Aquarius In July - Monthly Horoscopes


Aquarius In July - Monthly Horoscopes

Aquarius’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In July

July will start out without much thrill: you'll be very busy, and stars won't provide favorable circumstances for you.

The situations will change once Venus gets into the relationships area, after the 12th. It won't come empty-handed, but it will bring some more sex-appeal for you, a sweet and seducing mood, the easiness to flirt and exchange subtle messages with the person that you are attracted to.

If you're already involved in a relationship, there will be a period of great fun together, of cheerfulness and harmony.

Aquarius’ Money & Career Horoscope In July

July will demand very much of you, but it will also bring accomplishments and satisfactions.

The passing of the Sun through Aquarius' house of work will increase your authority, mark out your talents and help you stand out.

The Mars-Saturn conjunction in the finance area is double-edged: it can mobilize you for an admirable and determined material initiative, but it can also cause serious money problems. It depends on your natal chart and the curent circumstances. Take care!

Aquarius’ Physical & Mental Fitness Horoscope In July

You're among those who have to take extra precautions this month. Avoid excesses and imprudence of any kind!

On the other hand, keep in mind that July (especially the first three decades) favors medical investigations and health protection, so it would be a good thing if you made an appointment for a general check-up even if you think everything is all right, or for a specialized test, if there is something bothering you.

Astrologer’s advice for Aquarius in July

Don't take any risks, don't expose yourself physically, nor financially! Drive carefully!

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