Aries Sexual Astrology

22 March – 21 April
WOMEN: Wildly sensual, passionate and adventurous. You’ll have sex anywhere, you
know what you want - intense and frequent sex, you have a need for complete control,
but you’re also in love with love. As a mate, you are ardent, loyal, sentimental, and
earthly. Biggest thrill - the tickle of a man’s facial fuzz.
MEN: Sleeping with him is like playing croquet with live bombs you never know what
going to happen! Never expect him to wait for you to be ready - he will rip your clothes
off if he is ready to go. Don’t tease him or you’d better be ready to deliver. Fond of slave
master games and he likes it rough. Aries men are also explorers, so be ready to
where no woman has gone before. His favourite position - a woman on her knees
leaning forward.

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