Aries Woman Love Profile


About the Aries woman

The Aries woman always knows how to charm her admirers. Eager to share her love with someone (feelings that are, in her case, an everlasting resource), she wastes a lot of time looking in the mirror, not necessarily because she is a stylish woman, but because she aims at being in someone’s centre of attention.

The Fire element, which supports the Aries energetical structure, is dynamic. This makes the Aries woman be full of initiative all the time, always caught in the middle of some activity, which cannot be postponed, or excited by the idea of starting something new. And when nobody wants, can or feels like building a better world along with her, the only thing that can be started is a relationship. Whether this relationship will last or not is in God’s hands only.

Even though the Aries woman is usually untidy and absent-minded, when she wants a relationship, she suddenly starts wearing perfume, make-up and elegant clothes.

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