Scorpio Sexual Astrology

22 October – 21 November
WOMEN: Inquisitive, searching and experimental. Knows that eroticism consists of more
than the physical act of lovemaking. While looking like a perfect lady in public, you dress
and act like a whore in the bedroom. Control of the orgasm is very important and will try
anything to help your man maintain his potency. You never take no for an answer and
when interested in someone, you will pursue him with determination and guile. Best sex
mates: Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Props you love: scented body oils,
flavoured lubricating gels, and vibrators.
MEN: A lustful, sexy animal. Enjoys biting and sucking and is a master of oral sex.
Inflicting pain turns him on so he may pinch at nipples or the inside of thighs. Likes it in
water, but his kink is that the prefers wooden tables and hard floors to satin and silk. His
erogenous zone is his genitalia.

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