Archive for November 2010

Leo November 2010 Horoscope

Leo Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Leo’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

In November 2010 you'll have a few weeks full of action. The energetic Mars will cross your house of passion and sexuality, stimulating your ardor, desire to conquer, the erotic impulse. As it wants immediate and concrete results, Mars will monitor you properly.

Moreover, since the ruler of the couple relationships itself, Saturn, is good friends with Mars, your seduction campaigns will be successful.

What you'll say or write will have a great impact on your sentimental life, and the mysterious aspects, forbidden, exotic or taboo, of sexuality will be even more attractive to you in this period.

Leo’s Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

November 2010 will firstly stand out through a stronger material component. It's possible that some extra income, gifts or goods will come by means of side sources (family, collaborations, etc.)

The probability of investing in your home or in something related to patrimony or real estate is very high.

Career itself, in terms of status and prestige, will be set free following a decision, a negotiation, an intellectual accomplishment, promising satisfactions especially for the last decanate of November 2010.

Leo’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

You'll be in a great mood and have a lot of energy, so that you'd better do some sport or any other kind of physical effort to use the surplus.

The adrenaline will be at higher levels, asking for excitement and challenges.

In brief, your vitality will be excellent.

Cancer November 2010 Horoscope

Cancer Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Cancer’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

Something will change - for the better! The Sun will light upon your house of love and eroticism, and Mars will set the ruler of your house of couples in motion.

With both houses dealing with relationships so strongly energized, you'll either start a new sentimental relationship, or revitalize the old one. Another version is that you and your partner will join efforts to reach a common goal.

If you've had rather weird love stories in the past weeks, you should be let known that things will stop for a while, and clarifications are to take place in December.

Cancer’s Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

You'll have a lot of work capacity, you'll get actively involved in carrying though your tasks, but as soon as you finish them, you'll get some more work to do, more important, more urgent - and so on.

It'll be a full, stressful and tiring period, but you'll be able to do a lot of things if you plan them carefully and assess your resources thoroughly.

All sorts of activities will be favored now: physical, intellectual and creative.

You might get special opportunities for studies, culture or relationships abroad.

Cancer’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

You'll have a lot of energy that might cause troubles, unless put into constant effort.

There's a risk of damage on account of excesses, haste or imprudence. Caution especially in the second part of November 2010!

Another enemy of yours will be stress. Mental tension can be exhausting, so that you'd better try to rest and relax by simple means: reading, massage, music, dancing, gymnastics, etc.

Gemini November 2010 Horoscope

Gemini Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Gemini’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

You'll get quite hot in November 2010. If it's about a new passion, it doesn't look bad: you'll express your feelings convincingly, you'll be brave enough to take the offensive and you'll look very sexy in the eyes of the opposite sex.

But Mars' transit through your house of couples can have other connotations as well, less pleasant: disputes, jealousy fits, the tendency to be possessive or an irritated partner, who's lacking patience and can get aggressive at one point.

Even verbally, there are two sides of the coin: one reflects persuasion and wit, and the other, acid attacks and strong controversies.

Gemini’s Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

The Sun will go through your house of work and will make a splendid trine with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in your house of fame and success. Moreover, Jupiter, the ruler of your house of success, will resume its straight movement. The dream of reaching certain goals may come true.

Beside that, November 2010 will be favorable to showing your talents and promoting your own image, products, brand, etc.

You'll put your heart and invest a lot of energy into some collaboration or into signing a contract.

Beware, though: there can be some misunderstandings related to studies, courses, trainings, business trips or long-distance collaborations, and you might have to face competition, rivalry or enmities.

Gemini’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

In the first week of November 2010, retrograde Venus can cause you troubles: infections, food poisoning, cystitis or renal ailments, hypo or hyperglycemia, varicose veins or skin problems.

After November 8th, problems will get scarcer; you'll even be able to solve a health problem.

November 2010 will be stimulating for diets, body and beauty care as well.

Taurus November 2010 Horoscope

Taurus Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Taurus’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

The first week of November 2010 will be no different from the previous month. After that, things will settle down a bit, or, better said, will go into a lull.

If there have been problems in your couple or things have gone out of control in the past weeks, you'd better know that you'll come back to them for some conclusions and clarifications in December.

However, for the time being, take advantage of this peaceful period to assess your feelings carefully, to become aware of your impressions, to take a bit of distance so that you can be more objective.

Taurus’ Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

An interesting change in the field of work relationships, or maybe it's an opportunity to prove your mediating talent or creativity.

At work, the atmosphere will loosen up a bit in the second half of November 2010, a period that will also be favorable to accomplishments bringing spiritual satisfaction, as well as more concrete reward.

Particularly special will be teamwork, joined efforts. You'll certainly be able to accomplish great things together with other people.

Moreover, Mars in Sagittarius will stimulate your business flair and bring you earnings from side sources, as well.

Taurus’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

Health will still require attention.

If you don't take care of yourself, in November 2010 you can end up having problems on account of poor life hygiene, with deteriorating ailments that haven't been treated, with upsetting relapses and other such things.

Be careful especially about what and how much you eat, and try to exercise more!

Virgo November 2010 Horoscope

Virgo Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Virgo’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will continue to bring excitement to your couple life, especially since it's supported by a very nice configuration with the Sun.

You'll be very available sentimentally, you'll have a lot to offer, but you'll have great sentimental needs in your turn. There's no "too much" for November 2010.

At the same time, you'll feel the need to express freely, in the chosen direction (and why not, even in two or more different directions) and any attempt to be confined or limited in any way can lead to strong opposition on your behalf.

Virgo’s Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

Collaborations and contracts will be an attractive focus point in November 2010. There can be interesting offers and you could even negotiate or sign a partnership.

You'll have high aspirations and you'll also benefit from the necessary courage and determination to reach them, which is great.

The ruler of your house of career (and the ruler of your sign, at the same time), Mercury, will be conjunct with Mars, which will stimulate and push it to action.

Financially, there'll be a change of register - for the better. Some funds will be opened or some material ban annulled.

Virgo’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

You'll enjoy strength, but also considerable stress.

The morale will be good, but over solicited, and you'll tend to react hastily and impulsively or even overreact.

Under these circumstances, if there's any predisposition in your natal chart, you'll face the risks of accidents or tense situation

Aries November 2010 Horoscope

Aries Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Aries’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

In November 2010 important things will happen in your relationships. All social relationships will probably undergo changes, experience new parameters or end/start a new cycle.

All this will particularly be true for love and marriage. Venus will start its retrograde movement in your house of couples on November 8th 2010, and on November 18th will resume its straight movement in the same house, where it'll stay until the end of November 2010.

You'll probably cut to the chase regarding a situation that was on your mind in the period August 7th - September 7th 2010.

Anyway, the second and the third decanate of November 2010 (especially the third decanate) will bring you higher sentimental availability, but also greater capacity to seduce. Enjoy!

Aries’ Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

The Venus' influences will leave their mark on collaborations and contracts as well: starting over, new proposals - in more advantageous terms, this time.

Particularly interesting will be long trips or long distance contacts. Intelligence and communication can help you speculate this type of circumstances favorably.

If you study, have exams or do scientific or cultural work, success is sure to come.

Career, generally speaking, will be the focus mobilizing your ambition and determination. Pluto will make a conjunction with the North Node precisely in your house of career! And Pluto has set its mind on three things: power, control and money.

Aries’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

You'll be in a good shape. Your ruler, Mars, will be very comfortable in Sagittarius, where it has been since October 28th: optimistic, energetic and enthusiastic. It'll help you get over the period in which the Sun will cross your house of crises and anxieties.

However, you'll get maximum vigor in the last decanate of November 2010, when you'll be at your best.

There will be a potential problem in this period, though: insomnia and inner restlessness.

Libra November 2010 Horoscope

Libra Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Libra’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

Finally, things will clear up. If you've had a complicated sentimental life in the past months, or troubled by them, November 2010 will probably settle some things for you.

In the second week of November 2010, the focus will be on problems. Then, sentimental intensity and focalization will be at their peak in the third week. Only in the last decanate will things take a normal direction, most probably the one you wish for.

Communication and shared intellectual interests will have a major impact on the relationship.

Libra’s Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

November 2010 will be a successful month for Librans. It'll have all the necessary ingredients for success: work capacity, enthusiasm and creativity, initiative and determination, plus a lot of dynamism. Above all, your personal charm will help you too.

It is now that you can put into practice ideas and projects you've been thinking of for a long time and do thousands of things to get where you want.

And, to your great satisfaction, you'll put good money aside!

Libra’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

You'll be in a very good shape, both physically, and psychically. The mood, relatively good at the beginning of November 2010, will gradually improve, until you reach perfection in the last decanate.

It'll be a very favorable period for health procedures, and the second part of November 2010 will support procedures related to your look: diets, gymnastics, beauty care, even cosmetic surgeries.

Pisces November 2010 Horoscope

Pisces Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Pisces’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

There'll be a sort of enthusiasm in the couple, as if both partners were involved in accomplishing something together, a higher goal or initiative that could bring them a better status or more fame.

Another version would be that on your efforts of conquering are aimed at a person you admire, a person who distinguishes herself/himself by talents or performances or who's part of the elite.

And the worst scenario is that in which the career and the relationship collide negatively leading to disputes or separation.

Pisces’ Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

November 2010 will be very fruitful professionally and financially. Money and prestige will mutually stimulate: if you set your mind on gaining appreciation and influence you'll implicitly earn money as well, and if you start an action aiming at earning money, you'll also gain more authority.

Trips, foreign countries (and generally, locations different from the one you were born in) or working from a distance will bring opportunities.

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Pisces, strongly supported by other planetary configurations, would like to offer you the best at the end of 2010.

Pisces’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

You'll be in full action; everything will work at full capacity. No health problems foreseen.

However, there'll be a tendency towards excesses (especially food-related, but not only) that can cause some troubles, extra weight being one of them.

You should exercise in this period, not only to burn the fattening calories, but also the extra energy that you'll have.

Scorpio November 2010 Horoscope

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Scorpio’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

The power of your feelings and the intensity of the erotic impulse will stay as strong as last month.

The thirst for love will join the dream of having an extremely passionate affair. But if something went wrong last month, it was because you were not on the right way and you didn't have the right attitude, or you simply had unrealistic expectations.

In November 2010 the odds will be in your favor. You'll start to clear up and calm down and the effects will be visible until next month.

Scorpio’s Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

With the Sun in your sign, you'll shine, stand out, impose, and advance.

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will help you seize the unexpected opportunities you'll be given, and promote your image and qualities.

The financial factor will be strongly highlighted, and your merits will be rewarded as deserved.

On the other hand, you'll take out all your resources, not only to get a better position or more praise and appreciation, but also to earn more, discover new sources of income, make profitable investments or transactions.

Scorpio’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

You'll be at the best of your shape. Not only will the transit of the Sun through Scorpio lend you prestige, but physical and psychical strength as well.

You might decide to go for a medical procedure that will require a higher expense. If so, you won't regret it. You'll pay the money, but you'll indeed solve the problem.

Sagittarius November 2010 Horoscope

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Sagittarius’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

Mars, the planet of passion and sexuality, will meet the ruler of your house of couples in your sign. It's a very active configuration that energizes sentimental life very much.

You'll attract, provoke, and conquer. You'll have a period in which getting the person you want by your side will pose no problem.

On the other hand, Mars can also lend you a sort of impulsiveness that can generate tense situations, especially in the last part of November 2010. Jealousy and rivalry can be part of the picture.

Sagittarius’ Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

Initiative, dynamism, ambition and the leader spirit will all be working in November 2010.

The presence of the ruler of your house of career in Sagittarius will focus your attention on career, and Mars will help you dare, fight, advance.

There will be good signs as regards the others' availability to support you, to ease the way to your aim, and somebody who promised to support you some time ago, we'll remember it.

Money doesn't seem to be any problem in November 2010. There'll probably be an investment in the home.

Sagittarius’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

With Mars on your side, you'll feel stronger, more powerful.

The problem is that the same Mars lending you so much power will predispose you to imprudence and haste, therefore implicitly to risks of accidents or injuries. By its hot nature, Mars also deals with fever, infections, inflammations or burns.

Some caution wouldn't harm you.

Capricorn November 2010 Horoscope

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Capricorn’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

You cannot pride yourself on a steady and/or fulfilled sentimental life yet.

It's true that the period might not be favorable either, but you should consider that your standards might be a bit too high. Maybe you're expecting more of your partner than they can give or than it's reasonable to expect.

And maybe you yourself don't have too much to offer in November 2010, when your career seems to be the priority.

Things will slowly get better. The last decanate of November 2010 will already bring some improvement.

Capricorn’s Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

The social status, rank and professional prestige will still be the major focus in your life. You'll keep making efforts and building.

An initiative you started in the summer of 2010 and which you had almost given up hoping for, will come back to attention, this time in a more promising form. The good outcome of it will probably become obvious towards the end of November 2010.

Your popularity will be growing, you'll be perceived as a competent and respectable person, but also as a nice company, and social relationships will be extremely useful to reaching your objectives.

Capricorn’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

The recent over solicitation will take its toll. You'll get tired very easily; your body won't be as resistant to diseases. It's time you took better care of yourself, rest as much as you are supposed to and generally have a healthier lifestyle.

Try not to get a cold, have your vaccine done, avoid people with catching diseases and cut down to the maximum the use of toxins (tobacco, alcohol, etc.).

Aquarius November 2010 Horoscope

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Aquarius’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

Intensity - that's the best word for the sentimental atmosphere or couple relationship in the first decanate of November 2010.

The passionate-erotic tendency will be vigorous, but emotions complex and restless. Everything will be taken seriously; everything will be important and urgent, even radical sometimes. There will be no shades; images will only be white and black.

A change for the better, a sort of re-launching into another vision can happen in the second decanate of November 2010, which will be the most active. Optimism will come back in the last decanate.

Aquarius’ Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

November 2010 will be a fruitful month for your career and money.

The Sun will light upon professional status, from which it beams favorably to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the financial area.

Mercury and Mars will help you shine when in public, stand out in front of some groups through your ideas, initiative and spirit of decision.

November 2010 will be excellent for studies, for participating in trainings, symposiums and conferences, but also for launching a business or advancing. All doors are open for you!

Aquarius’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

You've had better periods. It can't be said that you'll be threatened by any diseases, but you won't be in your best shape either. However, you'll be so busy, that you won't probably notice anyway.

You could use some vitamins, relaxing tea, more and better sleep. And, of course, a better scheduled agenda.
