Virgo November 2010 Horoscope

Virgo Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Virgo’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will continue to bring excitement to your couple life, especially since it's supported by a very nice configuration with the Sun.

You'll be very available sentimentally, you'll have a lot to offer, but you'll have great sentimental needs in your turn. There's no "too much" for November 2010.

At the same time, you'll feel the need to express freely, in the chosen direction (and why not, even in two or more different directions) and any attempt to be confined or limited in any way can lead to strong opposition on your behalf.

Virgo’s Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

Collaborations and contracts will be an attractive focus point in November 2010. There can be interesting offers and you could even negotiate or sign a partnership.

You'll have high aspirations and you'll also benefit from the necessary courage and determination to reach them, which is great.

The ruler of your house of career (and the ruler of your sign, at the same time), Mercury, will be conjunct with Mars, which will stimulate and push it to action.

Financially, there'll be a change of register - for the better. Some funds will be opened or some material ban annulled.

Virgo’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

You'll enjoy strength, but also considerable stress.

The morale will be good, but over solicited, and you'll tend to react hastily and impulsively or even overreact.

Under these circumstances, if there's any predisposition in your natal chart, you'll face the risks of accidents or tense situation

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