Taurus February 2011 Horoscope

Taurus Monthly Horoscope: February 2011

Taurus’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In February 2011

The sentimental climate will partly keep last month's features: attraction to glamorous, famous or important people, the tendency to place the couple relationship at a superior level, to expect much of your partner or idealize their qualities, plus the opportunities related to trips, distances, foreigners or culture, studies, spirituality.

However, things will loosen up a bit in comparison to last month, which might have brought you some frustration.

Significant events seem to pile up in the first decanate of February 2011, and you'll start a more romantic phase in the last decanate.

Taurus’ Money & Career Horoscope In February 2011

February 2011 will be excellent for your career and fame. Located in your house of social position, the Sun and Mars will encourage your ambitions and lend you the necessary strength to accomplish them.

You'll fight, stand out, win, enjoy the results of your efforts.

You can have important accomplishments, but there's some risk of conflicts with superiors or authorities, so you'd better keep your prudence and diplomacy, regardless of how self-confident you feel.

It'll be one of the few times in your life when glory seems to matter more than money, but money will come too, naturally following success.

Taurus’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In February 2011

Your vitality will boom, and your morale will improve.

However, even if you feel better, that doesn't mean that you should neglect your health. Saturn will try to throw obstacles in your way for a long time ahead.

It's important that you learn how to prioritize and dose your effort, while making sure you get enough rest and care.

Don't avoid doctors and do what they say!

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