Monthly Horoscope : Sagittarius In September

Sagittarius In September - Monthly Horoscopes

Sagittarius’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In September

At the end of August, the master of the house of couples, Mercury, enters Libra (which is also a sign of the couple), where it starts its retrograde movement and will stay retrograde until the 4th of November.

Your relationship will thus become the focus of your attention. Important problems will be brought forward and postponed discussions will finally take place.

In case your relationship is on the rocks, this period will mark out its flaws and incompatibilities. But if it's solid, you'll enjoy accomplishments and fulfillments.

Sagittarius’s Money & Career Horoscope In September

The Sun being in the house of career, you can hope for recognition and success. The Sun-Saturn conjunction announces either the overcoming of some problem, or the making of a decision.

At the same time, the Sun's passing over Saturn, located in the sector of the professional status for a long time, underlines the latter's importance. And there's no playtime with Saturn: it demands effort, patience, tenacity and responsibility.

It seems that you are energetically getting involved in a group activity (association, club, foundation, party, etc.).

Financially, September will generously reward your strive.

Sagittarius’s Physical & Mental Fitness Horoscope In September

The stress of this month is rather high and you don't benefit from much astral support. There's a lot to be done, there's also the temptation of parties and other social activities, but you don't have to allow yourself to get carried away and to forget about your limits, though.

Stop considering the others' interests first and try to take care of yourself, too. Attention, especially if you were born after the 15th December!

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