Archive for December 2010

Pisces January 2011 Horoscope

Pisces Monthly Horoscope: January 2011

Pisces’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In January 2011

After a capricious or confused period, your sentimental life seems to get back to normal.

However, it seems that you need to draw some conclusions regarding the events of the previous two months, maybe even make some decisions as well.

Maybe time has come for you to clear up a situation that seems to be confusing. The third week of January 2011 seems to be relevant to it.

If you had an above-average sexual appetite and a rather adventurous emotional enthusiasm in 2010, expect Jupiter's leaving Pisces (January 22nd 2011) to bring things back to their right tracks.

Pisces’ Money & Career Horoscope In January 2011

In its last days in Pisces, Jupiter, in accordance with Uranus, will nurture your aspirations and provide favorable circumstances for you to fulfill them. It looks like success is coming from an initiative aiming at a group of people sharing goals and interests.

The effort will be big, but the results can be very nice. The more so as Venus (the Little Benefic) located in your house of career, will join the efforts to achieve success and consolidate good fame. Connections will be very helpful with promotions.

Finances will reach a completely new stage once Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, enters your house of money on 22nd January 2011.

Pisces’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In January 2011

You'll have energy and good morale and you'll be in a good shape especially in the first two decanates of January 2011.

The third decanate can bring lower morale and a tendency towards accidents, contaminations, infections, inflammations. Good life hygiene is required, as well as avoiding risks, excesses, and any other factor that can damage the functioning of your body.

Be careful about the consumption of coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, gone-off food, or other substances that can cause poisoning!

Aquarius January 2011 Horoscope

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope: January 2011

Aquarius’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In January 2011

There's a certain reserve in relationships, a sort of withdrawal or shyness, perhaps generated by the fact that the dear one is not giving you the feedback you were hoping for.

If you want to set things in motion, you can resort to a friend as a mediator or to a counselor for couple problems.

Generally speaking, group activities, get-togethers with friends and going out will create a favorable relational environment.

The sentimental situation will look up visibly in the last decanate of January 2011.

Aquarius’ Money & Career Horoscope In January 2011

Venus in Sagittarius will bring you popularity and success in collective initiatives. You can count on the support of women, friends, and arts people.

On the other hand, though, you might face some gossip or subversive attacks, coming from quite energetic or powerful competitors.

Financially, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction can also provide you with some opportunities until January 22nd 2011.

Ambition, determination, and initiative will become stronger after January 16th, and success promises to come along in the last decanate, which will highlight your qualities and competences the best.

Aquarius’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In January 2011

January 2011 is not a period to play with your health in. Your body resistance is weakened, and diseases can catch you by surprise when you least expect it.

Beware in the first two decanates, especially between 1st and 15th January 2011! Try to stay away from contaminations, infections, poisoning, accidents or relapses of some older diseases.

You'll make a great recovery in the last decanate of the month.

Capricorn January 2011 Horoscope

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope: January 2011

Capricorn’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In January 2011

The couple life is not the most important or the most satisfying sector of your life yet. Not just yet.

With Venus in your twelfth house (the house of loneliness and disappointments) and with the South Node of the Moon in your house of couples, it seems that you still have some trials to go through. Or maybe it's just a gestation period, before the blossom in February 2011.

You'll have a lot of sex-appeal, a huge sexual appetite and you can have interesting sexual experiences. But there's still to go until the real sentimental fulfillment.

Capricorn’s Money & Career Horoscope In January 2011

The same strong motivation as last month will stay with you to support your lofty ambitions, difficult to reach objectives, the need to prove your expertise and to state your point of view.

With the Sun, Mars, Pluto and Mercury in Capricorn, you'll have some accomplishments. Still, victory comes with effort and fight, and the results won't live up to your expectations.

This is Saturn's lesson in your house of career that says you need hard work, perseverance and long-analyzed strategies to achieve success.

Finances will be set in motion in the second part of January 2011, when you have higher earnings, but higher expenses as well.

Capricorn’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In January 2011

You'll have a lot of strength, your psychical resistance will be good, but you'll have to deal with quite a lot of stress.

It's important to always keep in mind that your body is the most precious work tool, and for the expected results, it needs good maintenance on a regular basis.

So, spare yourself and have your routine medical check-ups!

Sagittarius January 2011 Horoscope

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope: January 2011

Sagittarius’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In January 2011

Good news: happiness is on its way to you!

On January 7th 2011, Venus, the planet of love and harmony, will enter Sagittarius, lending you more charm, more seduction power, more favorable relational opportunities.

And that's not all: on January 22nd, Jupiter (the Greater Benefic) will step into your house of romantic and flesh love, where it'll stay until June 2011, to your great joy.

Under such auspices, love can come along at any time and your couple life can make a big leap in quality.

Sagittarius’ Money & Career Horoscope In January 2011

Venus in Sagittarius will make your social relationships and personal charm flourish. Everything will come easier now, people will be nice to you, you'll get collaborations and advantageous contracts, various opportunities and even some financial ones.

However, money will be the big challenge of January 2011. Your house of money will be very active, especially in the first two decanates, which shows a great interest and a huge energetic consumption towards increasing the income.

You'll make good choices regarding real estate affairs and patrimony goods or durables and you can count on your family's support.

Sagittarius’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In January 2011

With Venus in Sagittarius, you'll be in a cheerful and optimistic mood, have a convenient physical balance, look better, feel in shape.

But Venus can be a bit too easygoing and indulgent to its own pleasures and whims.

January 2011 will be excellent for beauty care, though.

Scorpio January 2011 Horoscope

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope: January 2011

Scorpio’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In January 2011

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction could still keep some surprises in store for you as regards love and sex. When you come across a favorable opportunity, don't let it slip away, because there won't be a similar one for you anytime soon!

You seem to be oscillating between a romantic-adventurous approach and a realist-reserved one. You'd better leave reasoning for next month, and set your imagination and instincts free now. You won't regret it.

Scorpio’s Money & Career Horoscope In January 2011

The massive occupation of Capricorn (the Sun, Mars, Pluto, the North Node, and Mercury) will encourage initiatives and procedures, intellectual preoccupations, communication and mobility. You'll constantly move, communicate, write, persuade, and negotiate.

Talents and creativity will still be strong points that you can use without risks of failure.

Financially, peace and comfort. Venus in your house of money will provide help, gifts, and advantages, but can also urge you to spend on nice and good, but less practical things.

Scorpio’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In January 2011

You'll benefit from a big mental strength and an extraordinary capacity for concentration. These are qualities you were born with, but are now at their peak.

Therefore, you can try and improve your morale through self-suggestion, use various relaxation techniques or find some useful medical information.

You should still be careful when driving and handling possibly dangerous objects!

Libra January 2011 Horoscope

Libra Monthly Horoscope: January 2011

Libra’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In January 2011

Even if in the first part of January 2011 nothing much will happen in your love life, there will be a feeling that something is to happen.

And, indeed, something will happen! Something at a grand scale, in fact! You just have to be patient.

Luck won't just burst in, but come gradually: the first step will be on January 16th 2011, when Mars enters your house of love and eroticism; the second, on January 20th, when the Sun steps in, too; the third and the most important step, on January 22nd, when Jupiter gets into your house of couples.

Jupiter (The Greater Benefic) will enhance, fulfill and give color to your couple life by June 2011. The whirl will continue until 2018, but we'll come back to that some other time.

Libra’s Money & Career Horoscope In January 2011

If you have projects requiring energy, enthusiasm, and chance go for it! Jupiter and Uranus are willing to support your boldest professional initiatives.

Some opportunities might simply appear when you least expect them or from a surprising direction. Don't let them slip through your fingers! The chance wave can take you to special accomplishments.

Financially, in the first part of January 2011 you'll be prudent, oriented especially towards meeting the needs of your home and family.

In the second half of January 2011 you can profitably speculate some favorable situations.

Libra’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In January 2011

You still benefit from a considerable capacity for work and you seem to have a positive attitude. But you have to cope with rather high demands, and Saturn, located in Libra, is not exactly your friend.

Take care of yourself, protect yourself and have all the routine checks done, as you might be faced with some challenges in the health area.

Virgo January 2011 Horoscope

Virgo Monthly Horoscope: January 2011

Virgo’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In January 2011

Events, events... The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, that smiled at you in 2009 as well, is determined to provide some more favorable opportunities, at the last minute, before falling apart. Everything will match the turmoil that animates your house of eroticism perfectly.

Therefore, there'll be availability, offers, and intense feelings while significant (even memorable!) events can happen, both sentimentally, and sexually.

The most active period of January 2011 will cover the first two decanates. Take advantage, but don't take risks!

Virgo’s Money & Career Horoscope In January 2011

You're going through a very promising period regarding creativity, expression and talents, excellent for promoting your own image and works.

After the first half of January, when things will go relatively commonly as regards concrete work, once Mars enters the sector of responsibilities (January 16th 2011), the situation will energize visibly: efficiency will go up, but also pressure.

As to money, there's some hope for earnings, especially through family and close people.

Virgo’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In January 2011

You'll be in great shape in the first part of January 2011. Energy will overflow and you'd better use as much of it by a vigorous physical activity (but not dangerous!).

In the second part of January 2011 there'll be some risks of infections, inflammations, acute episodes or injuries caused by haste or imprudence.

However, still in the second part of the month, you'll have higher efficiency in solving medical problems, so you'd better try and deal with them.

Leo January 2011 Horoscope

Leo Monthly Horoscope: January 2011

Leo’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In January 2011

January 2011 will be a month with lovely romantic trends, especially in the first half.

The attractive magic of Neptune in your house of couples will be supported by the passing of Venus, the planet of love, through your house of love! You'll be overwhelmed by a cloud of lust and sensuality, and you'll be greatly sentimentally available. You'll attract, seduce, let yourself be attracted or seduced.

The rhythm will become more alert in the second part of January 2011, when Mars enters your house of couples. Your feelings will be even more fervent and more passionate, but also more capricious!

The last decanate of January 2011 will be the hottest.

Leo’s Money & Career Horoscope In January 2011

A month of considerable effort, of ambitions and initiative, in which you can take big steps in the direction you want.

Your house of work will be highly energized by the transits of the Sun, Mars and Mercury, which also stimulates the latent force of Pluto. You'll have a lot of responsibilities and you'll confront with tight deadlines, maybe even a pressing or conflicting atmosphere at the workplace.

On the other hand, Venus (the ruler of your house of career and fame) promises chance, opportunities, an excellent promotion of your image and talents.

Financially, good news for the first two decanates of January 2011.

Leo’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In January 2011

If you're not exactly young or perfectly healthy, you'd better be prudent in this period, which will stay risky.

Old diseases will relapse or become immune to treatments, and on account of low resistance, there can appear new ones. Or you'll simply have a period in which contacts with doctors and hospitals will be more frequent or more significant.

Even if you seem to be in shape, be careful, because the balance will be fragile!

Cancer January 2011 Horoscope

Cancer Monthly Horoscope: January 2011

Cancer’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In January 2011

Intensity, passion, drama - these are the parameters within which your relationships will develop in January 2011, a dense month and, most probably, the richest in events.

It couldn't be any other way, considering there's a lot of hustle and bustle in your house of couples: the Sun, Mars and Mercury will join Pluto and the North Node. In such company, you'll feel the urge to take action, make straightforward decisions, or live breathtaking passions.

It's important that you don't let your defenses go weak, nor provoke anybody. Firmly and diplomatically, you can always get where you want.

Cancer’s Money & Career Horoscope In January 2011

In January 2011, things will unfold as if you wanted to set alliances, collaborations and exclusively financial-oriented contracts. You'll be focused on some money issues and you'll think it's easier to succeed if you have somebody's help.

However, the tension will be high, and dissatisfactions can easily damage your work relationships. Again, just like in love, you can achieve great things if you're tactful.

The financial initiative will intensify in the second part of January 2011, and the last decanate will be favorable to real estate investments, patrimony goods or durables.

Cancer’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In January 2011

The physical shape will generally be good.

Stress, which you'll probably have all the month, can take its toll on the body as well; the most obvious symptom will be the tendency to eat sweets or other delicacies so that you calm down, in which case you either have to do extra exercise, or cut down on other types of foods.

January 2011 will be favorable to cosmetic care and body treatments.

Gemini January 2011 Horoscope

Gemini Monthly Horoscope: January 2011

Gemini’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In January 2011

From a relational point of view, in general, and from a sentimental one, in particular, January 2011 will be one of the most promising months of the year 2011.

You'll be close, warm and affectionate to the people around you, and the opposite sex will inexorably be attracted to your seductive charm. This will be Venus' interference, the planet of love that will go through your house of couples. Venus favors love, understanding, and good mood in the couple, making up and couple entertainment.

The erotic impulse will be stronger, as well.

The most beautiful part of January 2011 will come with the second and the third week.

Gemini’s Money & Career Horoscope In January 2011

Above all, January 2011 will be a promising month as regards contracts, collaboration, and teamwork.

Moreover, if there are changes to be made about your career, you'd better hurry and make them. It'd be a pity if you didn't use the huge potential of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, whose effects will fade away after January 22nd 2011.

Thirdly, there'll be a considerable mobilization at a financial level. You want to start a business, to make an investment or financial operations. And the beauty of it all lies in you having big chances to get significant benefits from everything you'll do, now or in the near future.

Gemini’s Health & Fitness Horoscope In January 2011

You won't be in the best shape, but you'll gradually recover. After the middle of January 2011 you'll get stronger, and in the last decanate you'll get your vigor and optimism back.

Until then, though, you'll have to cope with stress, depressive tendencies or inner worries.

You could do with a more organized life and more socializing with joyful friends that can cheer you up.

Taurus January 2011 Horoscope

Taurus Monthly Horoscope: January 2011

Taurus’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In January 2011

Love will hold an important place in your life in January 2011. You'll either worship the values of love, or your partner's or your couple life will go through a more exciting period.

Trips and shared cultural, educative or spiritual interests are the factors that will favor your sentimental life.

Sensuality will enhance in the second part of January 2011, which goes very well with some special aspects of physical love that you want to try.

In order to be happy, you shouldn't be afraid of anything. It's enough to trust your seductive capacity, and the rest will come naturally.

Taurus’ Money & Career Horoscope In January 2011

January 2011 will be an optimal period for business trips, workshops, studies, and specializations. It'll be excellent if you work in a cultural, university or judicial environment, or if you have interests in tourism or import-export.

Long-distance collaborations or relationships with foreigners will have an impact on your career.

By and large, you'll spend a lot of energy to reach your goals and there's a big chance to do it. The last decanate of January 2011 will be extremely motivating.

Financially, January 2011 will stand by you: it'll bring small favors, money or other material advantages, it will clear up some unsolved situations from the previous month, will provide profitable ideas and decisions.

Taurus’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In January 2011

Although you cannot complain about lack of energy, the health issue won't be carefree. With Saturn in your house of diseases in 2011 and 2012, you should permanently watch your body. And now, as Venus (the ruler of the same house) is in a less happy situation, you need to double your attention.

The possible troubles will come from poor life hygiene. If you eat lighter food, exercise and rest more, and don't expose yourself to risks, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Aries January 2011 Horoscope

Aries Monthly Horoscope: January 2011

Aries’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In January 2011

From the sentimental point of view, things will start looking up beginning the second week of January 2011, when Venus, the ruler of your house of couples, moves away from the shadow of Scorpio and of your eighth house, showing all its glamour.

Feelings will become more intense, there'll be more favorable opportunities, maybe even two or three offers simultaneously.

This period in January 2011 will support couple trips (physical or spiritual), long-distance love stories, finding a partner far from home or in a different social or cultural area.

Sexually, you'll be at full capacity all month in January 2011.

Aries’ Money & Career Horoscope In January 2011

You'll really get off to a good start in 2011! You'll be determined and energetic, assertive and bold when trying to reach your goals.

The Sun and Mars in Capricorn will urge you to show what you can do, especially in the first part of January 2011. You'll be successful, you'll win, and you'll stand out.

In the second part of January 2011, your actions will be characterized by intelligence, subtlety and skill rather than strength. You might make some important decisions in the period 14th - 20th January 2011, under the Mercury-Pluto conjunction in your house of career.

Group actions will have a lot of support in the second part of January 2011.

Financially, you'll have a good period.

Aries’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In January 2011

The first half of January 2011 could be marked by some small problems related to irritation, anxiousness, and the tendency towards excesses.

The third week will be very appropriate for medical appointments, investigations, and tests, etc.

The stress will decrease in the second part of January 2011, and the last decanate can find you in your best shape.
If you haven't done it yet, you can now try to give up a harmful habit.
