Gemini July 2009 Horoscope

Gemini’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In July 2009

On 5th July 2009, Venus, the planet of love, will enter your sign, and on 12th Mars, the planet of lust and passion, will follow it. Under the influence of the two, there are high chances that July becomes really hot!

You'll have a sexual magnetism that will irresistibly attract and in your turn, you'll be chasing any trace of pheromones... Receptivity will be at its peak, both affectively and erotically.

Sentimental opportunities can occur at any time, but especially in the last decade of July 2009.

Gemini’s Money & Career Horoscope In July 2009

With Venus and Mars in your sign, it promises to be a very active month especially as concerns relationships, with collaborations and much socialization, but also with fights and rivalries.

After 12th of July 2009 initiatives and energetic activities are foreseen. The competition will get tighter, the will stronger, the ambition will increase. You'll be efficient: you'll take action, cut through the chase, solve.

The second decade of July will be financially promising and it can unexpectedly bring money or facility.

Gemini’s Physical & Mental Fitness Horoscope In July 2009

If you're a bit weak in the first decade of July 2009, don't worry! You'll recover after the 12th: you'll have strength, fast reactions, impulse.

Mars will keep you ready for action. You'd better humor it by getting involved in a consistent physical activity, because otherwise the unused energy can cause problems: acute ailments, infections, inflammations, injuries because of speed or imprudence.

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