Taurus November 2010 Horoscope

Taurus Monthly Horoscope: November 2010

Taurus’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In November 2010

The first week of November 2010 will be no different from the previous month. After that, things will settle down a bit, or, better said, will go into a lull.

If there have been problems in your couple or things have gone out of control in the past weeks, you'd better know that you'll come back to them for some conclusions and clarifications in December.

However, for the time being, take advantage of this peaceful period to assess your feelings carefully, to become aware of your impressions, to take a bit of distance so that you can be more objective.

Taurus’ Money & Career Horoscope In November 2010

An interesting change in the field of work relationships, or maybe it's an opportunity to prove your mediating talent or creativity.

At work, the atmosphere will loosen up a bit in the second half of November 2010, a period that will also be favorable to accomplishments bringing spiritual satisfaction, as well as more concrete reward.

Particularly special will be teamwork, joined efforts. You'll certainly be able to accomplish great things together with other people.

Moreover, Mars in Sagittarius will stimulate your business flair and bring you earnings from side sources, as well.

Taurus’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In November 2010

Health will still require attention.

If you don't take care of yourself, in November 2010 you can end up having problems on account of poor life hygiene, with deteriorating ailments that haven't been treated, with upsetting relapses and other such things.

Be careful especially about what and how much you eat, and try to exercise more!

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