Aquarius January 2011 Horoscope

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope: January 2011

Aquarius’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In January 2011

There's a certain reserve in relationships, a sort of withdrawal or shyness, perhaps generated by the fact that the dear one is not giving you the feedback you were hoping for.

If you want to set things in motion, you can resort to a friend as a mediator or to a counselor for couple problems.

Generally speaking, group activities, get-togethers with friends and going out will create a favorable relational environment.

The sentimental situation will look up visibly in the last decanate of January 2011.

Aquarius’ Money & Career Horoscope In January 2011

Venus in Sagittarius will bring you popularity and success in collective initiatives. You can count on the support of women, friends, and arts people.

On the other hand, though, you might face some gossip or subversive attacks, coming from quite energetic or powerful competitors.

Financially, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction can also provide you with some opportunities until January 22nd 2011.

Ambition, determination, and initiative will become stronger after January 16th, and success promises to come along in the last decanate, which will highlight your qualities and competences the best.

Aquarius’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In January 2011

January 2011 is not a period to play with your health in. Your body resistance is weakened, and diseases can catch you by surprise when you least expect it.

Beware in the first two decanates, especially between 1st and 15th January 2011! Try to stay away from contaminations, infections, poisoning, accidents or relapses of some older diseases.

You'll make a great recovery in the last decanate of the month.

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