Pisces February 2011 Horoscope

Pisces Monthly Horoscope: February 2011

Pisces’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In February 2011

Passions will run deep. Perhaps it's not the right time for them to come to the surface. Either this, or they'll be consumed into a secret relationship, away from the eyes of the people. Or it'll disguise as friendship or work relationships. Or they'll turn out to be a source of disappointment.

Once Jupiter leaves Pisces, after a year of taking in energy, the sentimental and sexual enthusiasm might have cooled down a bit.

But not for long: on February 21st, 2011, Mercury (the ruler of your house of couples) will enter Pisces, followed by the impetuous and conquering Mars on February 23rd. And there it goes again!

Pisces’ Money & Career Horoscope In February 2011

The first two decanates of February 2011 will be marked by more discreet activity. It could be about a slower evolution or a germinating period, in which you set future actions.

The projects involving group initiatives, friends, protectors, supporters and fans will be favored. As well as anything you'll initiate at a larger scale with the purpose of raising your income.

Jupiter will financially be generous. And in the last decanate of February 2011, the wind of success will blow towards you!

Pisces’ Health & Fitness Horoscope In February 2011

Slowing down the rhythm comes as something natural in February 2011, when your energy resources are not too high. At least in the first two decanates, as you'll spectacularly come back to a good shape in the last one.

For now though, you're recommended to avoid overdoing it, to have more rest, take vitamins and supplements that stimulate the immunity system, to avoid stimulants and stay away from people suffering from catchy diseases.

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