Virgo July 2009 Horoscope

Virgo’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In July 2009

You believe that the best relationship needs mental affinity. In July 2009, with the Venus-Mars conjunction in the ninth house, you'll long to discover new horizons with your partner - intellectual, cultural, spiritual or even geographical horizons.

Joint trips, love stories born when traveling or long-distance love are also possible. Common effort for a noble or hard-to-reach purpose will make the relationship stronger and will work as an aphrodisiac.

Virgo’s Money & Career Horoscope In July 2009

Until the 12th of July 2009, Mars will persuade you to show real interest in trips, long-distance relationships or cultural-educative preoccupations.

After the 12th of July, Mars will join Venus in the house of career and together they will form a team with Jupiter and Neptune in the house of work, making professional achievements or successes possible.

Your actions will be motivated by the desire to advance, but as you'll have quality performance, it will definitely bring you material satisfactions as well.

Virgo’s Physical & Mental Fitness Horoscope In July 2009

The content you'll get from your work accomplishments will raise your morale and will give you some enthusiasm, but that doesn't mean that your health is perfect and that you can leave it at the end of your priorities.

Saturn will stay in Virgo for a few good months and while it is in your sign, the danger of getting ill is higher.

Take care especially in the last decade of July 2009!

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