Sagittarius Woman Love Profile


About the Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius woman has high dreams! Not ambitions, but dreams, remember that, because there is a big difference. The Leo or Scorpio woman could have ambitions. The Sagittarius woman will dream of you two discovering a new Atlantis or exploring a planet from another universe.

The Sagittarius woman is both interested in who really discovered America and what is new that Buddhism brings to the human being. She is able to fascinate you on your first date because of her passionate aspiration to discover God but she will be glad if you help her realize He is in a cookery book as well as in the cosmogonic myths.

The Sagittarius woman resembles the Gemini woman as regards only the informational appetite, but her interest goes beyond the news reports on TV channels. The Sagittarius woman is dynamic, but much slower than the Aries woman is, and willing to sacrifice for the others, but not as much as the Virgo woman.

Because she likes travelling, the Sagittarius woman knows many stories that she will captivate you with on your very first date, and because she likes political, custom and law changes, she will keep herself well informed. She is also good at throwing some great parties. Abundance is part of her charm - she is a woman of abundance literally and metaphorically.

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