Aquarius In March 2009 - Monthly Horoscope

Aquarius’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In March 2009

Blind passion, this is the best expression for the first part of March 2009, when feelings and instincts prevail, shadowing your reason. It will be beautiful for a love story that is at the beginning, but it can be harmful for an older relationship that needs reason and common sense.

Try not to make relational decisions this month, because you risk regretting them later!

Aquarius’ Money & Career Horoscope In March 2009

You'll enjoy a period of great inspiration, but it can be altered by deceiving convictions and emotions that can cause you to make wrong decisions or take unsuitable actions.

The great danger regards the collaborations and associations, but also the finances, especially since the financial situation seems to be on shaky ground.

There is indeed a chance for career and business, but it will only work for as long as you are moderate and don't take risks.

Aquarius’ Physical & Mental Fitness Horoscope In March 2009

The Mars-Neptune conjunction will make you vulnerable to infections, poisonings and accidents due to haste and carelessness.

There's no problem regarding vitality and energy (you'll have three times your need), but there's a problem related to imprudence, excesses and careless actions.

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