Sagittarius In March 2009 - Monthly Horoscope

Sagittarius’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In March 2009

Retrograde Venus in the house of free love and sexuality demands its rights.

The erotic instinct will be very strong, you'll be hungry for love and you'll have a lot of receptivity to the advances of the opposite sex, for which reason a love story can start.

If you already have a relationship, the sexual life of your couple and procreation will demand much attention.

March 2009 can be besprent with tense moments, surprises and changes at the same time.

Sagittarius’s Money & Career Horoscope In March 2009

The enterprising spirit will serve a purpose that motivates you emotionally.

You'll be very thirsty for knowledge, you'll have inspired ideas and a lot of persuasion. You'll need to express yourself creatively, to promote your aptitudes.

All in all, the solicitation will remain high, the responsibilities difficult, and although you'd like to make some changes, all you'll get for the time being will be delays and obstacles.

Sagittarius’s Physical & Mental Fitness Horoscope In March 2009

Tension and stress. Even if you're under the impression that there are no problems, inner tension exists and it can lead to disputes, accidents, acute ailments or crises.

A poorly taken-care-of malady could relapse.

Pay attention to the possible complications generated by a lifestyle rich in excesses!

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