Capricorn In November - Monthly Horoscopes

Capricorn In November - Monthly Horoscopes

Capricorn’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In November

It’s highly possible that in the first decade of November 2008 you’ll feel lonely, experience a sort of reserve in expressing your feeling or that your relationship will undergo a more complicated period.

The situation will change after the 12th November, once Venus enters Capricorn, and the rest of November (and the first week of December) can turn out to be the happiest affective period of the year.

Take advantage of it, depending on the case, to find your soul mate, to strengthen your relationship or even make it official!

Capricorn’s Money & Career Horoscope In November

Jupiter, which has already given you some opportunities in 2008, will be very generous in November. Supported by the Sun, Mercury and Mars in the first part of November 2008, and accompanied by Venus in the second and the third decade, it promises to offer chances and success.

Joint projects and collaborations will be unfolding smoothly, but favorable conjunctures can occur in any field, the financial one included.

The luck you’ll be enjoying will lead to envy and some might try and sabotage you, but with no success.

Capricorn’s Physical & Mental Fitness Horoscope In November

Optimism and self-confidence look good with you. Venus’s arrival in your sign ensures some extra inner peace and good mood starting with November 12th.

However, some sudden mood changes are not ruled out. They will appear unexpectedly and won’t last for long, fortunately.

Medically, there could be some mineral disequilibria, maybe spasmodic manifestations (cramps, contractions, tendrils), caused by a lack of magnesium.

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