Virgo 2008 Horoscopes

Virgo 2008 Astrology Forecasts

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Virgo: Money & Career

It seems that 2008 starts stormily for Virgo natives due to Mars' retrograde movement in the house of social hierarchy and business. Consequently, you might have small problems with your bosses, and if you have your own business, it's not impossible to experience unpleasant surprises. The difficult period is in January but the tensions will only disappear towards the end of February 2008.

eAstrolog advises you to take this stormy start of the year as a recommendation to be extremely prudent at work. Neptune's presence in Virgo's house of work and career in 2008 helps you do that, because it urges to introspection and reconsideration of the position in community.

When Mercury is retrograde (the former half of February 2008, the former half of June and the former half of October) you'd better not make rush decisions in these respects and accept the situation as it is, until a favorable period for changes comes along.

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Virgo: Love & Relationships

In 2008, Virgo natives should be very prudent sentimentally speaking, because there are some serious risks regarding the relationship with your partner.

In Virgo's house of marriage is Uranus, the planet of changes (both pleasant and unpleasant, positive and negative) and of non-conformity. Partnerships of any kind, including marriage, could be put to trial, especially in July-October 2008, when Uranus retrogrades.

Moreover, Jupiter is transiting Virgo's house of children (which is also the house of adventures and affairs). Thus appears the temptation of extra-marital relationships which can lead to breaking the family.

As if all this weren't enough, Pluto's influence amplifies these tendencies and can make them seem necessary at that moment.

In conclusion, eAstrolog advises you to be very careful and prudent in the sentimental area in 2008 and not to make changes that you might regret later

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Virgo: Education & Spirituality

For Virgo natives 2008 seems to be a year of ordeals, especially because Saturn is transiting precisely the sign of Virgo.

In 2008, Saturn will influence all the aspects of your life, but especially Virgo's specific qualities such as the discipline you manifest in anything you do, the sense of cooperation or the sometimes-exaggerated criticism. For 2008, eAstrolog advises you to be more flexible in the relationship with the others and more tolerant to those that don't think as you do or don't live according to the same strict rules.

Saturn's presence in the house of personality brings your attitude and behavior "to the jury". In conclusion, you'd better revise your scale of values. It's time your maturity was tested. The changes you'll make regarding your attitude towards the others will show their effectiveness later on, especially socially speaking.

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Virgo: Health & Fitness

Virgo natives have to learn in 2008 that not all is gold that glitters. Because of Neptune's presence in the house of health, you have to be very careful about anything that means noxious substances, drugs, poisons. Even medicines, which normally have benefic effects, can now have unpleasant side effects if you don't take the right dose. You could have the surprise for some substances, which you consider harmless or benefic, to work against you.

Of course you have to draw the line between the real chemical effects and the effects you're imagining. Hypochondriac as you are, self-suggestion could play tricks on you and make you look for external causes of some imaginary effects. If you want to avoid some troubles regarding your health, remember that we are what we think we are - especially in April-October 2008, when Neptune is in retrograde movement.

In the former half of February 2008, when Mercury retrogrades in Virgo's house of health, eAstrolog recommends you to spare your nervous system and to avoid stress.

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