Sagittarius In October - Monthly Horoscope

Sagittarius In October - Monthly Horoscopes

Sagittarius’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In October

You'll enjoy an overwhelming erotic imagination, with the most hidden wishes and dreams. But you can't know whether you can make them real...

The first part of October seems to be bringing an obstacle, a barrier or maybe a renouncement. Anyway, you cannot experience love openly, and if something happens, it is most likely to be a secret or forbidden passion.

Fortunately, on October 18th Venus will enter Sagittarius, and the gates of love will be wide open.

Sagittarius’s Money & Career Horoscope In October

If you've been under the impression that you're getting ahead slowly, now you can be happy. Obstacles will disappear and pieces will fall into their places.

At the bottom of this clearing might be the support of an energetic person, who wants to stay in the shadow, or some confidential measures of your own. Your future plans will catch life, especially if they involve the interest and efforts of more people.

Financially, October promises to be one of the most generous months in 2008.

Sagittarius’s Physical & Mental Fitness Horoscope In October

The Sun in Libra plays a protective role for you. Still, beware of the hidden dangers!

Be careful especially if you were born on the last days of the sign! Try to have a balanced behavior, without excesses and heroic deeds that could take their toll.

If the Black Moon, now in Sagittarius, shadows your optimism, look for the company of cheerful people, relax in your spare time taking up a hobby or a creative activity and be more philosophical!

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