Leo In May 2009 - Monthly Horoscope

Monthly Horoscope: Leo May 2009

Leo’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In May 2009

The energy that the Jupiter-Venus conjunction will pour into the house of couples will be very strong, but without measure, balance and reason, especially since a dissonant aspect with the Sun, the ruler of your sign, will interfere.

You'll tend to exaggerate and amplify everything related to relationships, regarding the expression of both affection and discontents. You might be wrong in your appreciations...

Pride and stubbornness doesn't do you any good.

Leo’s Money & Career Horoscope In May 2009

You'll undergo an unpleasant period for your relationships with collaborators, bosses or authorities. The conflicts that will occur now could affect your image or position.

It's not the right time to test your strength and you should ignore your pride and let others take the lead for a while.

Retrograde Mercury in the house of career is not favorable to new decisions and initiatives, but doesn't dislike retaking some older projects.

Leo’s Physical & Mental Fitness Horoscope In May 2009

You'll be in good shape, you'll be very energetic, but you'll lack moderation. If you don't deal with it, you might gain some extra weight or expose yourself to unwanted physical risks.

You'll get part (only part!) of your equilibrium back in the last decade.

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