Virgo In April 2009 - Monthly Horoscope

Monthly Horoscope: Virgo April 2009

Virgo’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In April 2009

Your sentimental life or marriage might have a tense period. The conjunction of Mars with Uranus and the opposition with Saturn take place on the relational axis, generating aggressive energies that can make you vulnerable to break-ups or arguments or can be dangerous to the person by your side.

The same energy release could, on the other hand, unblock a situation or force the making of some decisions.

Virgo’s Money & Career Horoscope In April 2009

The collaboration or association relationships, contracts and transactions will be tumultuous, stressful, under the pressure of some impetuous events and if you don't have enough diplomacy, they can even be brutal.

Fortunately for you, you'll enjoy great work capacity, and your achievements earn your bosses' appreciation and/or the deserved salary.

The financial initiative will be more dynamic in the last decade of April 2009.

Virgo’s Physical & Mental Fitness Horoscope In April 2009

With Jupiter in the house of health, you shouldn't worry. However, considering the strain that April 2009 is putting you through and the not-very-optimistic state of mind Saturn in Virgo lends you, some energetic deficiencies might take their toll on the body.

There's a higher risk for accidents than for diseases proper.

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