Virgo In June 2009 - Monthly Horoscope

Monthly Horoscope: Virgo June 2009

Virgo’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In June 2009

You think that a good relationship needs mental affinity. Now, with the Venus-Mars conjunction in the ninth house, you long more than ever to discover new horizons together with your partner - intellectual, cultural, spiritual or even geographical horizons.

Traveling with another person, love being born during a trip or loving somebody at a distance are also possible.

A joint effort to serve a noble purpose or one that is hard to reach strengthens the relationship and works as an aphrodisiac.

Virgo’s Money & Career Horoscope In June 2009

Work and career will bring you major satisfactions, but they will demand considerable effort in exchange. Things don't work out from the beginning, as you wish, and you have to overcome a certain lack of receptivity on behalf of your superiors or authorities. But you'll finally get what you want.

You can successfully commit to studying, culture or improving your abilities. A trip or long distance collaboration might come along.

Virgo’s Physical & Mental Fitness Horoscope In June 2009

You'll have a lot of work capacity and this will raise your morale. The energetic peak will last until the third decade of June 2009, when a diminishing of strength could occur.

It's important that you have enough sleep and eat only fresh food and as least chemically contaminated.

Astrologer’s advice for Virgo In June 2009

Save more time for relaxation and hobby! Work is not everything that there is to life...

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