Aquarius In October - Monthly Horoscope

Aquarius In October - Monthly Horoscopes

Aquarius’ Love & Relationships Horoscope In October

Intellectual and spiritual principles will influence your sentimental and couple life-related choices. It's as if you set your mint to finding your soul mate or meditating on love... enjoyed by the people around you!

Seriously, you'll feel the need of sharing the same ideas with the person you love or of discovering the world together. This can take the shape of a wonderful trip together or joint studies and research.

A long-distance relationship is not ruled out.

Aquarius’ Money & Career Horoscope In October

You'll follow your goals passionately as you're ready to fight for them or to prove what you are capable of. You'll get hold of your fate and bravely find your way.

It's highly important not to lose control over aggressive instincts and also to cherish wisdom and discipline and use your fast reaction capacity, without haste though.

October will be a month of ambitions and initiative, when you can take a great step forward, but also come upon some turbulence.

From the financial point of view, you'll tend to find equilibrium.

Aquarius’ Physical & Mental Fitness Horoscope In October

There won't be any special health problems, and your morale will be optimistic and constructive. But it's been a stressful period, nevertheless, and it will get to you.

More sleep is recommended, in order to avoid confusion and lack of concentration that might be caused by overdoing it.

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