Pisces 2008 Horoscopes

Pisces 2008 Astrology Forecasts

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Pisces: Money & Career

Throughout the whole year 2008, Pluto and Uranus will be precisely in the sign of Pisces. For this reason, politics and business will have to be approached very cautiously by Pisces natives.

If you are involved in politics, you'd better keep in mind that the Uranus-Pluto couple predisposes to changes of situations, dictatorial behaviour, to breaking elementary democratic and diplomatic principles and - not at all surprising - to political fights.

In business, the Uranus-Pluto couple predisposes to personality fits, subjective and unrealistic attitudes, and decisions that can lead to losing business partnerships and/or contracts.

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Pisces: Love & Relationships

In 2008, Pisces people might deal with small earthquakes in their family life and relationships with partners (either business partners or life partners).

Throughout 2008, Saturn will be in the house of partners and marriage and will be assisted in the first two months by Mars in the house of family. If we take into consideration that Saturn is called "the prosecutor" and Mars "the warrior", we cannot say that this is a happy situation. It is now time to show how understanding you can be, how flexible and tolerant! This is the only way of solving the conflicts foreshadowed within your marriage and family in general.

Jupiter will be in the house of friendship and company all throughout the year in 2008, which means that you are supported by friends from all points of view, you get advice and moral support. Be careful though from May to the middle of September 2008, when Jupiter is in retrograde movement! In this period, eAstrolog advises you to assess your friends' advice carefully, because beneath it might be some less sincere intentions.

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Pisces: Education & Spirituality

The year 2008 is important to Pisces natives, especially socially, where you're in for self-assertion.

Uranus is transiting the house of personality, which inspires you to revise your views on the world and life and gives you more audacity. You get over your shyness and this is the first step towards your new personality. You manage to escape your anonymity but life in the spotlight does not suit you, because you are a rather reserved person. This change is to your advantage in 2008 though.

In the first months of 2008, you sort things out in your mind and manage to understand what it is you have to do with your life.

Jupiter also favors the social aspects of life. Therefore, in 2008 there are high chances to make yourself noticed in society and to have your merits acknowledged.

For the past years you've been enjoying success regarding studies and exams but in 2008 it seems that you lose enthusiasm and interest. Don't worry, it's only a quieter period from this point of view, but things will come back to normal soon. You just have to trust yourself.

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Pisces: Health & Fitness

For Pisces natives, Neptune is still in one of the houses of health, asking for more attention when consuming certain substances in 2008 as well.

It's not about drugs and poisons only, which are noxious under any circumstances, but also about medicine, which could have much stronger effects than normal. Even some slightly noxious substances or harmless in certain conditions can have unsuspected strong effects. We recommend more careful dosing of any therapy or chemotherapy.

You also have to pay attention to anything that could have effects on your direction sense and stability - especially for Pisces natives that drive vehicles or handle dangerous or delicate machines!

In June-October 2008, when Neptune is in retrograde movement, maximum prudence is recommended because retrograde Neptune makes noxious substances have maximum effects.

The nervous system could be more sensitive in the former half of February 2008, the former half of June and the former half of October, when Mercury retrogrades.

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