Cancer 2008 Horoscopes

Cancer 2008 Astrology Forecasts

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Cancer: Money & Career

Cancer natives could have some nice financial surprises in 2008. And such surprising income will not come from their own work, job or business, but rather from some inheritance or unexpected earnings, because Neptune will be in the house of inheritance all the year round.

In case you win the lottery, you'll have to be very careful what you spend your money on. A universal law says that there is no such thing as chance, that what we call haphazard is in fact a law we don't know yet. That means that even "chance earnings" have a purpose, especially that of teaching us a lesson, such as: what to do with money or how to administer it.

Most of the times such large amounts of money are won by those who have to prove that they know how to administer it. Some of them think they should make donations, others think they should buy all they have ever wanted, and others simply waste it away, without realizing that they have failed this exam.

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Cancer: Love & Relationships

For Cancer natives, 2008 could mean escaping routine, intensifying the sentimental life and improving family relations.

Throughout 2008, Jupiter is in Cancer's house of partnerships and marriage which means that Cancers can enjoy happy moments in this area. eAstrolog just highlights this favorable context but does not advise you to push things, nor to get your hopes too high. If at the end of the year we notice that Cancer natives were at the top regarding weddings, this will only be a confirmation of the astral predictions.

For Cancer natives Jupiter's influence favors harmony in the relationship with your life partner. You can have wonderful moments together, enjoying sentimental fulfillment.

There are also less favorable periods though.

From May to the middle of September 2008, Jupiter will be retrograde. In this period, eAstrolog advises you to avoid exaggerating in your sentimental relationships (and in all other partnerships of any kind, including business) and to be more diplomat and understanding with your life partner. If you scheduled a wedding for this period, pay attention to each detail to avoid misunderstandings!

In September-October 2008 Mercury will transit Cancer's house of family. Especially in the former half of October, when Mercury is retrograde, eAstrolog advises you to be very wise when making decisions that will affect the whole family, and to assess things several times before taking action.

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Cancer: Education & Spirituality

In March and April 2008, Cancer natives will be influenced by Mars' transit through their sign and also by Saturn ("the prosecutor") and Uranus throughout the year.

All Mars-related aspects refer to your creativity, energy and determination in making decisions and putting them into practice. You also prove to be very inspired. You could reconsider your priorities and come to the conclusion that, besides old objectives, you'd better set some new ones. It's time you highlighted your qualities, making the best of the favorable period in 2008.

Uranus will stand by you all year round in 2008 in your strive to change your views on life and your attitude towards the ones around you. It's possible to experience some hesitation, confusion and anxiety when you don't know how to react to what is happening around you, how to solve the problems you're confronting with or what to decide.

Uranus in the house of long trips and spirituality also urges to research and exploration trips in order to discover new things, and traveling makes you change your views. Uranus also urges to anything that means non-conformity and to studying the esoteric and paranormal sciences.

Saturn's presence in the house of communication asks for seriousness, but also prevents communication. Under these circumstances, eAstrolog recommends that you do as you feel, without having any external factors influence you.

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Cancer: Health & Fitness

Because of Neptune's presence in the house of changes throughout 2008, Cancer natives are advised to spare their nervous system.

You should avoid stress and keep calm, especially between June and November 2008, when Neptune is in retrograde movement. The same thing goes for the periods when Mercury is in retrograde movement: in the former half of February and the former half of October 2008.

Attention to the use of medicines and to chemotherapy! In 2008, drugs and poisons, even those which are harmless in small doses, could have disastrous effects for Cancer natives. Therefore, you have to follow the recommended doses of your treatment and not exceed the maximum doses.

On the other hand, Mars warns you to beware of accidents, especially in January-February 2008. The risk of vascular accidents is higher in this period, and men are in danger of having characteristically male health problems.

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