Scorpio In November - Monthly Horoscopes

Scorpio In November - Monthly Horoscopes

Scorpio’s Love & Relationships Horoscope In November

The passionate urge will be encouraged by Mars in November 2008, as well, until around 16th.

Sexuality is expressed by sudden, intense outbursts that ask for immediate attention. Your feelings will be blazing and you could be having initiatives that you wouldn’t have dared to have before. The tendency is to conquer, not to seduce, and the approach is direct and open.

This erotic-sentimental wave will cool down in the second part of November 2008, which seems to be dominated by reason. You’ll be very attracted to people that you have intellectual and spiritual affinity with, while communication will become essential for the relationship.

Scorpio’s Money & Career Horoscope In November

Mars will prove its enterprising spirit not only in the relational area, but also in the professional one. Ambition, competition and the wish to stand out that are characteristic of it go hand in hand with the authority and dignity that the Sun’s passing through Scorpio induces in you. You’ll have the necessary force to set a long-term project going or to hurry the accomplishment of some intentions that were running too slowly for your taste.

Mercury in Scorpio will clear up your mind, lend you good ideas and persuading capacity and help you handle the information efficiently.

Moreover, in November 2008 you’ll be very sharp in the financial area, you’ll get and use your chances of raising your income.

Scorpio’s Physical & Mental Fitness Horoscope In November

Excellent tonus, especially in the first two decades of November: energy, self-confidence, action impulse.

Still, some Martian-type manifestations are possible until the 16th of November: acute fits, fever, infections, muscle pains, gum-boils, cuts, burns or other such small accidents, occurred because of carelessness or haste.

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