Leo 2008 Horoscopes

Leo 2008 Astrology Forecasts

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Leo: Money & Career

In 2008, Leo natives will have to revise their set of values in the area of business and welfare. Saturn's presence in the house of income provokes a certain financial discomfort. You might benefit from your work with a certain delay but, at the same time, you'll become more responsible regarding the way you spend your money.

At the same time, Pluto has a less pleasant influence on Leo's house of work and career. You might encounter problems in this areas, especially from dictator-like bosses. But, as a Lion that you are, you have a strong personality, you like ruling and being listened to, and this kind of situations at work are difficult to stand. Maybe it is one of the reasons for which you start making plans for starting your own business.

Unfortunately, Leo's house of business is deserted in 2008. This gives you more freedom of action, but don't expect help of the stars (as you shouldn't expect "obstacles" of them).

Besides all this, Uranus will be in the house of changes all year round in 2008 and it makes you reconsider your priorities, and change your point of view and set of values as regards money and business.

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Leo: Love & Relationships

For Leo natives 2008 could have a stormy start: Mars will retrograde in the house of friends all through January, going on in the former half of the month with retrograde Mercury in the house of marriage. You won't have reasons to complain about having a dull life. On the contrary, you might get into fights with business partners or friends, maybe even put an end to some relationships with important people. All this could have a negative impact on your sentimental relationship or marriage.

Another difficult period regarding friends could be in the former half of June 2008, when Mercury retrogrades again.

There is no reason for you to panic. eAstrolog is just warning you about these difficult periods, thinking that one who is informed on astral predictions knows what to keep away from. And stars only predispose, they don't impose. It is the man who has the final say after all!

As a conclusion for Leo's sentimental life and relationships in 2008: keep calm and be tolerant to the people around you, otherwise 2008 can bring you unpleasant surprises. You have the tendency to exaggerate because you have the impression that you are misunderstood and you are the only one who's right. It is not worth breaking old relationships that you used to cherish.

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Leo: Education & Spirituality

In 2008, Leo natives will especially feel the influence of Mercury and of the Black Moon.

In the former half of October 2008, Mercury will be in retrograde movement and for this reason you'll have to be very careful about anything you do and to rigorously consider each step you have to take.

There could appear misunderstandings with your company, caused by the Black Moon. You are somehow bothered by the attitude some people have towards you. You are very troubled from this point of view, but you have to hold on and thus to find out whom you can truly rely on and who is your false friend.

In 2008 you have the chance to use your talents. But mind you don't become too daydreaming and unrealistic and take care not to set your priorities according to the wrong principles!

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Leo: Health & Fitness

Leo natives are recommended to lead a moderate life in 2008, without experiences and adventures that could threaten their health.

In 2008, Leo's health can be influenced by three important planets: Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto.

Jupiter is responsible for everything that means chemical activity in the body, oxygenation and blood regeneration. Jupiter also governs the liver, spleen and gall bladder so your nourishment has to be balanced, without excesses, especially when it comes to alcohol. Pay attention to all this, especially from May 2008 until the middle of September, when Jupiter is in retrograde movement!

Pluto, which governs the sexual organs, urges to moderation in this area as well, especially between April and August 2008, when it retrogrades.

Uranus is the planet of changes and it will be precisely in Leo's house of changes in 2008. The nervous and cardiovascular systems are more sensitive now and they have to be spared. Less stress, fewer stimulants (coffee, cigarettes), more exercise in the open air!

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